
PALLAS has opted for a pool-type reactor. A special variant of this is a tank-in-pool-type reactor. In such a reactor, the water basin provides space for fuel elements and control rods. The fuel elements are responsible for the formation of the neutrons during nuclear fission. The PALLAS-reactor is designed to operate with low-enriched uranium, which means that the amount of uranium-235 (235U) is less than 20 per cent of the total amount of uranium used (mostly 238U).

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Advantages of a pool-type reactor

  • The water basin provides sufficient shielding for safe experimentation and isotope irradiation in or near the reactor core during normal operation.
  • Experiments can be easily observed due to the water being transparent.
  • Because of the high density of the basin's concrete walls, they also function as shields to ensure safe operations.

The technical design requirements and their motives


  • Nuclear safety. This is necessary for the primary goal: ensuring that humans and the environment are always protected from the harmful effects of ionising radiation;
  • Productivity. With emphasis on reliability and continuity of reactor operation and production flows;
  • Proven design. Using systems and components that are already in demonstrably successful use in other reactors. This has the advantage of knowledge of the technology, which minimises licensing and operational risks;
  • Flexible design. This refers to the multipurpose use of the PALLAS-reactor, where capacity can be adapted to market needs within a defined lifetime;
  • Adaptable design. This allows the PALLAS-reactor to add value to customers throughout its lifetime;
  • Simple design. This translates into a limited number of reactor components and systems, reactor layout, system design, and operation, to minimise operational risks.
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Reactor and service pool

  • The reactor pool houses a nuclear core, which contains the fuel elements (low-enriched uranium) that form the neutrons during nuclear fission.
  • The core is surrounded by light-coloured water that serves as both moderator and coolant.
  • The service pool provides space for irradiated elements before they are moved to the hot cells. Spent nuclear fuel also resides in the service pool before being transported.

Hot cells

  • Hot cells are used to process medical isotopes that have been irradiated in the reactor core.
  • Hot cells protect employees from radioactive isotopes by providing a safe, enclosed space in which employees can control and adjust the required equipment.
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